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Hannah Gustafson

PCC SOC 228 Environmental Sociology


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Hannah's actions


Smaller Portions

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Participant Feed

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  • Hannah Gustafson's avatar
    Hannah Gustafson 4/21/2018 11:47 AM
    It's only halfway through the day however I've already met my goal because I already packed my food in containers with smaller servings. Also, drinking a lot of water isn't just good for your skin, it also makes you feel fuller. With each meal I've been drinking at least 12 oz of water and in between meals I drink water, it really helps. 

  • Hannah Gustafson's avatar
    Hannah Gustafson 4/18/2018 11:46 AM
    Today I just wanted to eat everything and it's only halfway through the day. I already ruined this morning because I forgot to grab my breakfast before I left my house so I bought a breakfast burrito. I easily could have saved half of it for lunch but I ate it all instead. Tomorrow will be better. 

  • Hannah Gustafson's avatar
    Hannah Gustafson 4/17/2018 8:34 PM
    Today went really well. I ate a protein bar, like usual, for breakfast and had some carrots and hummus for lunch. I snacked in between breakfast and lunch. For dinner, I cooked some chicken enchiladas. Usually I fill my plate with chips and put the enchiladas on top however, I decided to not eat any chips. 

  • Hannah Gustafson's avatar
    Hannah Gustafson 4/15/2018 7:16 PM
    Today I went to a gender reveal party and there was a whole buffet of food. I wanted to try it all and I did however, not as much as I would have before. Instead of using the dinner plates, I used the salad plates instead which were smaller. After eating I wanted to go back for seconds because the grilled chicken was really good but I knew I couldn't. After waiting about 20 minutes or so I didn't feel like I needed to eat more and if I did become hungry, I would drink water. 
    Food Smaller Portions
    Fun fact: Your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes of eating. While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come out of this?

    Hannah Gustafson's avatar
    Hannah Gustafson 4/15/2018 7:12 PM
    Using smaller plates will help me put less food on my plate which means I would be eating less. At the moment, I think I consume more food than I should because I always fill my plate. Now, filling a smaller plate gives the illusion that my plate is full however I'm not eating as much. It will be easier to figure out how much food I truly need to eat until I am full too.