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Pascal Tyrrell's avatar

Pascal Tyrrell

PCC SOC 228 Environmental Sociology


  • 0 TODAY
  • 442 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Pascal's actions

Electricity Generation

Rooftop Solar Consultation

#10 Rooftop Solar

After researching the incentives at the federal, state, utility, and local levels, I will contact a local installer/distributor for a solar panel installation consultation on my house.


Land Use

Forest-Friendly Foods 2

#5 Tropical Forests

I will replace or remove products in my current diet that are known to contribute to deforestation.


Land Use

Learn about Temperate Forests

#12 Temperate Forests

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning more about the environmental services provided by and the environmental issues affecting temperate forests.


Electricity Generation

Support Microgeneration in Low Income Countries

#48 In-Stream Hydro, #76 Micro Wind, #78 Microgrids

I will make a donation to a nonprofit that installs microgeneration in low income countries.



Reduce Animal Products

#4 Plant-Rich Diet

I will enjoy 1 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.


Electricity Generation

Watch a Video about Methane Digesters

#30 Methane Digesters (large), #64 Methane Digesters (small)

I will watch a video about methane digesters (also commonly known as anaerobic digesters).


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/25/2018 2:01 PM
    The thing I'm taking away from this eco-challenge is that there are many small ways that I can change in my daily habits as way to address the size of my carbon footprint. Most of the changes I've made were in my food choices as well as some of the packaging I buy. For transportation, I'm committed to taking my bicycle for any short trips such as the grocery store or to walking to local restaurants. I'm going to try to continue to use the knowledge I've gained these week to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

  • Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/19/2018 5:52 PM
    Something my wife and weren't aware that is available are solar powered awnings. We are very interested in installing solar panels but our roof slants in the wrong direction, i.e to the northeast, so its not feasible to install roof top panels. We are definitely in need of an awning as our patio looks to the southwest and gets very hot in the summer. We have arranged to meet with a contractor to discuss the installation of a solar powered awning which provides a good opportunity for us to take advantage of solar energy and provide shade on our patio in the summer.
    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 2
    How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/17/2018 5:48 PM
    It is getting easier to change my diet because the labeling of food packing has improved so that its easy to identify food that have less impact on the environment. The second aspect of changing my diet to support a healthier environment is mostly a matter of substitution. Creating meals that are well balanced and healthy is not really difficult but does require breaking out of some routines. Simple acts such as looking for locally produced food or wine is really an easy and straightforward way to start down that path. Once the local farmer's markets open up again, we plan on using them as a starting point for our weekly shopping and then add or supplement from there. For now, my wife and stepdaughter are joining me in eating a meatless or animal-free meal everyday.
    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/13/2018 10:22 AM
    My vision of a sustainable community is one that deals with its resource, energy and waste on a local basis. Local communities would focus on what is available to them within a limited area to address most of the its needs. It would also be required to dispose of its waste or to reuse it in some fashion. The idea would be to put the onus on the people who live in the area to take responsibility for their actions and to avoid offloading the consequences on communities or environments far away. 

    • Kim Smith's avatar
      Kim Smith 4/14/2018 6:22 PM
      That is a powerful vision, Pascal.  It is so important to look at the full life cycle of resource production, consumption, and waste.

  • Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/11/2018 9:52 AM
    Eating a meatless breakfast each day is really not difficult. I switched out diary milk for a nut base milk to use with cereal. Add in some fruit and I’m good to go.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than other countries, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Pascal Tyrrell's avatar
    Pascal Tyrrell 4/10/2018 9:20 AM
    I think that people in North America believe that meat protein is healthier than plant protein and that it is a necessary part of their diet. Meat is also a symbol of economic status in N. America as it usually costs more than plant based foods. The ability to buy meat is therefore indicative of financial wellbeing. 
    I think the shift away from a meat based diet will require education primarily but could also be helped by a cultural movement. For example, fish wasn't always a very popular food, it was one that local communities ate because of their proximity to the sea or other water body. Eating fish was popularized through its health benefits but also because restaurants started to popularize it through the dishes they served that people then adopted on a mainstream basis. If a similar process was inspired for plant based dishes or diet, it could help to move us away from eating meat. In short, making it cool to be vegan : )