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April 4 - April 25, 2018

Blue Practice

Blue Practice


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,434

team impact

  • UP TO
    traveled by bike
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    locally sourced meals
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    zero-waste meals

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 23 at 3:58 PM
    Time is a big one, money is also an important factor. But also convenience and safety are important as well. Most times I walk, other times I take the bus. If I'm running behind though and need to be somewhere at an exact time (such as in the case of a meeting), I'll call a lyft...but that happens MAYBE once a month. The other night I felt...
  • April 21 at 6:40 PM
    I sure did - but had not really seen the benefit of using crops for fuel. We already have a limited amount of space available for agriculture - it didn't make sense to use land as a fuel source (also note lack of food for humans). Other than that I had heard about oils from fast food restaurants similarly to use as a fuel source for converted...
  • April 21 at 6:37 PM
    Challenging for me to take this on as a renter. Here's to innovation to come for renewable energy options (outside of RECs...) for apartment renters! (P.S. let's make this a thing - a lot of people rent.)
  • April 18 at 1:04 PM
    They are nature's best recycling resources for contaminates in water and soil! They are a source for inspiration for us all to better cycle nutrients and restore ecosystems. They offer a supportive ecosystem for a wealth of life to flourish as well!
  • April 18 at 1:02 PM
    Support by buying locally! Volunteer to cultivate crops, educate at farmers markets, keep pesticide out of my own community planting so it doesn't leach into waterway and soils that can affect regenerative farming nearby (or the rest of the ecosystem).
  • April 13 at 11:21 AM
    Never heard of this terminology before--but it makes sense! Trees are incredible organisms that can help mitigate some of the effects of open-area pasture farms. I think one of the biggest advantages would be to not have to use SO MUCH land toward farmland--and keep us from cutting down more trees that ultimately contribute more to the global...
  • April 8 at 1:45 PM
    Paying rent!
  • April 4 at 9:00 AM
    Luckily, my relationship with food is unique in that I don't eat for taste. I eat for nutrients. At least 1-2 meals is made in smoothie form, obtaining protein for my vegan diet in the form of pea or rice protein powder. That makes it pretty easy to put all pieces of celery, carrots and more veggies into the blender--eliminating waste. For the...
  • April 4 at 8:56 AM
    A sustainable community in my mind would be one where everything is a nutrient for something else -- nothing is 'waste' and all materials are used in an intentional and beneficial way. The biggest change that is needed is a behavioral shift--changing people's minds to looking at their day-to-day lives as ones that matter and can have a positive...
  • April 4 at 8:50 AM
    Portland, Oregon is known for its bridges. I see the Steel Bridge, for example, and think it'd be a very interesting place to capture the wind current coming across the Willamette -- plus the design would fit in nicely with the structure. Perhaps bridges could be a host to vertical axis turbines.

4 Team Members

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CHALLENGER: The Magnificent Maniacs Challenger Team Members: 4 Challenger Points: 4119 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Blue Practice Challenged Team Members: 4 Challenged Points: 1434 Winning?: