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CV Engineering Students Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Electricity Generation Learn More about Biomass
    Had you ever heard of biomass techonology before this? What did you learn that surprised you? Share this with your friends!

    Mary Ajemyan's avatar
    Mary Ajemyan 4/26/2018 11:19 AM
    I have never heard of biomass technology before researching it. One surprising thing that I learned was that biomass technology is like a cycle.
    Materials Recycle Everything I Can
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:16 AM
    I already do as much as I can.
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    Now that you know the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates, how will you view expiration dates differently?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:15 AM
    I will read carefully if it says use by or best by. Use by is about safety and best by is about quality.
    Transport Try Carpooling
    Take a moment to think of places you frequent often (work, grocery store, natural areas). Could you choose one or two days a week to schedule driving with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to these places?

    Mary Ajemyan's avatar
    Mary Ajemyan 4/26/2018 11:13 AM
    Yes, I could. It wouldn't be very difficult to schedule a carpool.
    Materials Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:10 AM
    A lot of people have concrete driveways so rainfall water just runs onto the street and down the storm drain. Instead of having a solid cement driveway people could have gravel or something like brick which would allow water to soak into the ground better.
    Materials Eliminate Toxic Plastics
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:07 AM
    We don't really have many single-use items in our house, we reuse plastic bags and vegetable bags for cleaning up after the dogs. 
    Materials Launch a Recycling Program
    How can you take your commitment to sustainable living beyond yourself? How can you, personally, work toward broader change?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:05 AM
    I can take a plastic bag with me to practice and collect everyone's empty water bottles and encourage people to recycle them instead of just throw them away. I can pay more attention to what I throw away and what I can reuse.
    Land Use Buy Bamboo
    Are bamboo alternatives readily available in your community? If not, what are other sustainable alternatives?

    Taryn Smith's avatar
    Taryn Smith 4/26/2018 11:04 AM
    I have seen bamboo around, but it is not as common as other materials. It just requires a little more looking.
    Food Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Mary Ajemyan's avatar
    Mary Ajemyan 4/26/2018 11:04 AM
    I have not heard the term silvopasture before I researched it. I believe that the biggest advantage of silvopasture is the amount of space it saves. By compacting crops, livestock, and trees into one area a lot of space is opened up. All the extra space could be used to build new homes or even more silvopastures for more food needed across the globe.
    Transport Research and Consider Switching to a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle
    Reducing (or eliminating) exhaust emissions and improving public health are two benefits of green vehicles. What other motivators inspire you to consider switching to a more fuel-efficient vehicle?

    Mary Ajemyan's avatar
    Mary Ajemyan 4/26/2018 10:57 AM
    Electric vehicles are also easier to maintain. They have a lot less moving parts than diesel cars, which leads to less visits to the auto shop. This also saves money. Another thing is that the battery doesn't need to be replaced for around eight years.