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Sarah Cleveland 's avatar

Sarah Cleveland

EcoChallenge Community Team


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    meatless or vegan meals

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Reduce Animal Products

#4 Plant-Rich Diet

I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.


Participant Feed

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To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/25/2018 10:07 PM
    This has been a journey... extending for 22 days rather than 14 has made a difference. I have successfully finished the challenge and want to continue my plant based diet.  

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/25/2018 6:27 AM
    I am traveling and keeping to my plant based diet!!  Takes intention... onward. 

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/21/2018 6:53 PM
    I’ve been busy with family while visiting my 90 year old dad in NH. Still sticking to my plant-based diet!!

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/21/2018 6:53 PM
    I’ve been busy with family while visiting my 90 year old dad in NH. Still sticking to my plant-based diet!!

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/19/2018 5:10 AM
    This is making me realize how meat centric my eating is... the level of intentionality I have to have every day is surprising me. But, I’m making it happen!!

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/17/2018 12:00 AM
    Wondering if I would benefit if I stop eating dairy for a while. I have left this decision open and flexible. I’m enjoying milk in my coffee, yogurt, cheese, etc.… 

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/13/2018 12:01 AM
    Still sticking to the plant based diet for 2 outnof 3 meals per day...  easiest to have vegetarian/vegan meals for breakfast and lunch, and if I eat meat to do it for dinner. That’s working well. 

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/11/2018 12:01 AM
    It’s nice to have leftovers...

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/09/2018 11:51 PM
    Still sticking with a focus on plant based diet... spicy green beans and brown rice. An old favorite. 

  • Sarah Cleveland 's avatar
    Sarah Cleveland 4/08/2018 11:12 PM
    Vegetable coconut curry - delicious!