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Lorri Wilke

Presidio Graduate School


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    meatless or vegan meals

Lorri's actions


Reduce Animal Products

#4 Plant-Rich Diet

I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.


Participant Feed

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To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Lorri Wilke's avatar
    Lorri Wilke 4/12/2018 6:38 PM
    Much easier to eat two vegan meals during the week than weekends.  I have a website I have been using called 42 Ridiculously easy vegan recipes.  Very easy to make and so far the meals all tasted pretty good.

  • Lorri Wilke's avatar
    Lorri Wilke 4/09/2018 6:45 PM
    For breakfast I made vegan french toast which was really delicious.  I served to my whole family, and everyone liked it.  I think it was even better than regular french toast.  

  • Lorri Wilke's avatar
    Lorri Wilke 4/09/2018 6:42 PM
    Not so great this weekend.  Had a big family party, which put me off track a bit.  It is Monday, so I am back on track.  I find it much easier to eat 2 vegan meals a day, when I am home.

  • Lorri Wilke's avatar
    Lorri Wilke 4/05/2018 8:57 PM
    I ate two meals today that were vegan.  I had dinner at my sister's house and she was serving pork with potatoes and vegetables.   I didn't really want to eat the pork, but I didn't want to offend anyone.  I think that is a going to be a problem for me.  I need to gain more confidence in my food choices, and not worry so much what others think.  It is almost like I am being a "secret" vegan,  maybe in time.....

  • Lorri Wilke's avatar
    Lorri Wilke 4/04/2018 7:52 PM
    I met my challenge today.  In fact I exceeded my challenge by eating 3 vegan meals today.  I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast, avacado toast with pine nuts for lunch.  For dinner I made a new receipe  called "smashed potatoes".  It consists of yukon gold potatoes that are boiled and then smashed (not mashed).  I made an aioli sauce with avocado and garlic to go with them.  Just about to sit down to dinner....hope they taste as good as they are supposed too!

    • Shawna Cain's avatar
      Shawna Cain 4/05/2018 8:30 PM
      Hi, Lorri! So great to have you as a part of the Presidio Ecochallenge team! Your meal plans demonstrate that eating vegan doesn't have to be missing out on anything. I look forward to hearing more of your experience with a majority plant based diet.