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Elkus Manfredi Architects Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:56 PM
    I have a coffee everyday and I will have  to start finding the shade grown coffee. 

    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 2
    How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:43 PM
    Still working on it, but once you get used to no sugar, flour or Hillary.
    Land Use Choose Better Wood Products
    Beyond carbon sequestration, what other benefits do forests offer you personally?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:41 PM
    Cooler environment and also a peaceful and grounding place to escape to and unplug. 
    Materials Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
    What would a sustainable water future in your region look like? What needs to change?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:39 PM
    Start collecting more rain water and reusing greywater. 
    Materials Choose Recycled Paper
    How can you take your action a step further?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:38 PM
    Don't print - make digital copies. 
    Materials Go Paperless
    What do you want to prioritize over material 'stuff' in your own life?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:37 PM
    Time with family and friends traveling. 
    Materials Recycle Everything I Can
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:35 PM
    Refuse! I have started refusing plastic lids and straws and of course bags. 
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than other countries, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:34 PM
    I think there is a disconnect between people and their food source. 
    Food Smaller Portions
    Fun fact: Your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes of eating. While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come out of this?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 8:33 PM
    Using smaller plates means I eat less, and maybe I will get back to my pre-child bearing weight class! 
    Buildings and Cities Express My Support
    What do you like most about biking in your city? What would you like to improve?

    Kristen Fritsch's avatar
    Kristen Fritsch 4/25/2018 1:43 PM

    Biking in Arlington is a dream! It's flat where we live, and we are close to the first rail to trail bikeway which is a fun recreational trail but also a great connector. I love that we can all ride our bikes to soccer games or practices as most of the fields lie next to the path, and it is a safe for my kids to go alone.