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National Co+op Grocers Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Vindya Alahapperuma's avatar
    Vindya Alahapperuma 4/25/2018 8:11 AM
    I probably will start looking at ingredient lists for palm oil.  I certainly dont need to buy products that use palm oil, when there are other alternatives.  I believe that I can be more conscious about eating chocolate or drinking coffee.  I can buy products that are certified rainforest friendly or just reduce consumption of these products.  
    Food Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Vindya Alahapperuma's avatar
    Vindya Alahapperuma 4/25/2018 8:03 AM
    Never heard of silvo pasture before now.  It seems like it's about diversifying the landscape so it's not just pasture for grazing.  I feel like one of the biggest benefits might be that the shade would be cooling to both the cows and the grass.  It could prevent the grass from drying out in hot seasons, leaving more food for the cows.  
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    Now that you know the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates, how will you view expiration dates differently?

    Vindya Alahapperuma's avatar
    Vindya Alahapperuma 4/25/2018 7:48 AM
    I personally don't look at the dates.  I smell food to tell if it's gone sour or use my eyes or taste to know if something is still okay.  My husband on the other hand looks at dates and will not eat anything even a day past expiration date and he doesnt allow me to feed any "expired" food to our daughter.  So basically, I'm the only one in the house eating foods past due date.  I guess my view on expiration dates has not really changed, but maybe I'll have more information to explain to my husband that products are still okay past certain dates.  
    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 2
    How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Mandy Makinen's avatar
    Mandy Makinen 4/25/2018 7:34 AM
    I found it kind of depressing to monitor ingredients like tropical oils in the food I eat, because I can't deny that it is a problem (i.e. they're in lots of foods). I am happy that trans fats are becoming less common, but I hope consumers will support sustainably sourced tropical oils as awareness grows.
    Materials Fix Leaky Faucets
    What are other easy and low-cost ways to reduce your water usage at home?

    Mandy Makinen's avatar
    Mandy Makinen 4/25/2018 7:28 AM
    You can reduce water use by swapping out your faucet heads with low-flow models. We did this a few years back and I don't even notice the difference, but it reduces our water use!

  • Karen Zimbelman's avatar
    Karen Zimbelman 4/24/2018 10:22 PM

  • Karen Zimbelman's avatar
    Karen Zimbelman 4/23/2018 6:51 PM
    Women and Girls Learn about the Need for Family Planning
    What did you learn about the need for family planning? Share some of the learning with your friends!

    Sheila Ongie's avatar
    Sheila Ongie 4/23/2018 3:35 PM
    It's shocking to read that "Currently, the world faces a $5.3 billion funding shortfall for providing the access to reproductive healthcare that women say they want to have." On the other hand, I don't think money is as big a problem as political will to provide the access that women want to have. 
    Land Use Buy Bamboo
    Are bamboo alternatives readily available in your community? If not, what are other sustainable alternatives?

    Mandy Makinen's avatar
    Mandy Makinen 4/23/2018 1:38 PM
    Alternatives to plastic are readily available in my community, and really, through Amazon you can source metal or bamboo versions of almost everything. I am excited about the potential legalization of industrial hemp, as it is can be used to make a great, inexpensive alternative to plastic, too.
    Land Use Support Indigenous Peoples' Land Management
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Sheila Ongie's avatar
    Sheila Ongie 4/23/2018 9:15 AM
     Why is balance important to sustainability? Because everything in the natural world is connected to everything else. It is all held in balance, with imbalances naturally corrected through feedback loops and the laws of physics. When a system is balanced, no one part plays too big or too small a role, which also creates resilience.