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PAE - Portland Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Katie Zabrocki's avatar
    Katie Zabrocki 4/25/2018 12:17 PM
    Today is the final day of the Drawdown Challenge so it will be my final daily post (for now) on Women & Educations. I'm wanting to close out my learning process by recapping a couple of key take-aways:

    1. Educating girls and women is good for their local communities & the global economy.
    2. Educating girls and women & family planning are the best ways to combat climate change although investment in these areas lags drastically behind other more technology based climate change initiatives.
    3. Overall, the educational access trend is improving but there are still areas that have wide disparities.
    4. Cultural expectations of women can have negative impacts on educational outcomes.
    5. Improving sanitation and and providing access to menstruation materials lead to better educational outcomes.
    6. Educating women leads to better health outcomes.

    Most of all, I feel it's worth saying that women are not simply reproduction vehicles and educational benefits are not only about lowering fertility rates. Equal educational access for women means we are opening up the potential for more intellectual capital around the world. More problem solvers, more inventors, more entrepreneurs, more scientists.

  • Megan Chandler's avatar
    Megan Chandler 4/25/2018 7:38 AM
    Coffee and Chocolate contribute to deforestation in poor nations.  I've started to research what choices I can make that are sourced ethically.
    Electricity Generation Learn More About Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal energy is reliable, abundant, and efficient. Project Drawdown states that public investment will play a crucial role in its expansion. What kind of investment seems most feasible for you?

    Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/24/2018 4:58 PM
    So odd that I have been working with geothermal options in projects for several years, but I don't understand the details of how it could be more broadly adopted. And how ground source heating and cooling differ from how we value geothermal energy period. I need more study on this!
    Land Use Learn about Temperate Forests
    As you learn more about the scope and seriousness of the environmental challenges we face, what impact does that have on your thinking and actions? What are the parts that feel overwhelming? What parts help you feel hopeful?

    Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/24/2018 4:56 PM
    Stay the course - pick my battles, where I can focus and let others focus on other battles. Be more open to others' ideas and concerns. Have faith that as long as our developed economies can find ways to profit from solving climate challenges we will see behaviors change and products improve. Keep voting with my wallet and then telling the companies I did so!
    Buildings and Cities Express My Support
    What do you like most about biking in your city? What would you like to improve?

    Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/24/2018 4:51 PM
    Pretty normal to see cyclists on the roads - downtown and outside. But there are some groups who give us all a bad name by just not being smart about courtesy on the roads. And there are WAY TOO MANY cyclists on sidewalks around here! General education about traffic rules, etc. 

  • Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/23/2018 8:39 AM
    Who knew - Portland has a whole pedestrian plan first issued in 1998. Being updated in 2018! See both links for interesting resources and take the Vision Zero Pledge!

  • Katie Zabrocki's avatar
    Katie Zabrocki 4/23/2018 8:23 AM
    Inspiring case studies about the impact of educational access to girls & women around the world.

    An example from Tara in Nepal:

    “I heard that staff, from a project called STEM, were in our village to collect information about out-of school girls to help them with their education. I put my name down and was selected to join the Step Programme. I participated in a financial literacy training of trainers’ course and learnt about household budget management and the importance of saving in life which had a very profound impact on me. I had never realised what saving could do, but after receiving the training I expanded my tailoring business and in the last three months alone I have saved around 40,000 Rs. After the financial literacy training, I delivered two trainings on financial literacy to more than 50 girls at clubs in two different schools; it really
    increased my confidence. I never thought I could face people like that or speak in public, but the training prepared me well and I was able to deliver both successfully. I received some money for delivering the training and I used it for our household expenses. Everyone sees the changes in me, from a depressed person to a motivated individual who now ‘glows’ and believes in doing something in life. I have realised
    that if you have the determination and the will, then nothing and no one can stop you.”
    Food Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/23/2018 8:06 AM
    Had not heard this term - but after learning a bit, this is a useful approach way back when settlers, and before them, native people, made the most of resources.
    Electricity Generation Learn More about Wave and Tidal Energy
    What did you learn about wave and tidal energy? Were you surprised by the information you found?

    Karen Joslin's avatar
    Karen Joslin 4/23/2018 8:00 AM
    Even without having time to really research this I am eager to understand how this process actually works and what the future holds.

  • Rachel Wrublik's avatar
    Rachel Wrublik 4/22/2018 7:31 PM
    In a study done by Orb Media, plastic fibers were found in 83% of drinking water samples and 93% of bottled water samples tested.