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Project Drawdown Community Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/25/2018 11:51 AM
    The 2017 EcoChallenge has both inspired and motivated me to try a little harder to reduce my carbon footprint.  New behaviours (eating less meat, studying drawdown research and solutions) are becoming new habits.  It is wonderful to view the team feeds and to know we are collectively having an impact. 

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/24/2018 8:27 AM
    This EcoChallenge has been, for me, both instructive and encouraging. I hope that NWEI and the Project Drawdown organizers continue to build on it and engage our best efforts beyond Earth Month...  It would be excellent to sustain and build on the impact of individuals, even as we recognize the need for systemic, cradle-to-cradle policies that shift human reliance away from fossil fuels. Thank you to the organizers, thank you to the teams... 

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/21/2018 10:18 AM
    The violent volatility of our weather—so easy to forget on a sunny morning in Spring— struck me hard this morning as I was out with my dog.  In a matter of seconds, I watched the storm approach from the far side of the river. I barely made it back up our driveway and into the house, and then: crazy intense wind, hail, ice pellets, mixed with driving rain.  The temperature dropped from around  10°C to freezing.  And now, half an hour later, the clouds are breaking to make way for the sun. 
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than other countries, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Jeff Gilliland's avatar
    Jeff Gilliland 4/18/2018 12:12 PM
    Meat consumption in Western/North American culture seems to me a product of two related notions: humanity's "God-given right" to rule the Earth, and capitalist-driven material wealth. Following the former idea led, perhaps inevitably, to the latter -- and the latter spurred a race to the heights of production and consumption that largely disregarded environmental and social impacts. 

    Nowadays, we are caught in the nexus of those ideas, often unable or unwilling to extricate ourselves. Shifting this culture begins with awareness: both of our meat intake and its repercussions, and of the narratives that brought us to where we are. Once we see the problem for what it is, we can begin to rectify it by creating new, healthier narratives!

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/17/2018 7:56 AM
    Many of the actions offered through Drawdown are habits of living for us.  For example, I burn next to no gas on my commute upstairs to my home office. (smiling)  I am fortunate to be semi-retired and working part-time with a trusted longtime colleague.  Based in a faraway city, my colleague handles client-facing meetings, and engages me to provide specific consulting services remotely from behind the scenes.  This is an amazing gift—thanks to the acceptably fast broadband service provided by our WISP, I can work from our off-grid homestead.  Weeks can go by when I don’t use the car.  I gather up errands and appointments so we get the most out of a single trip into town.  The next challenge for us is figuring out how to fund an EV or even an EV hybrid.  It bothers us that these options are really designed as status objects for the affluent.  My life-partner and I do the best we can, mostly using our small fuel-efficient car, and reserving the carbon-heavier truck only for jobs that demand it.  But we have started to think about the possibilities.  That’s for another post.  

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/15/2018 10:34 AM
    Last night, my life-partner and I had an extensive discussion around the Drawdown quiz in the NYT, originallly published in June 2017.  Although we are committed permaculturists, we still learned a lot from this exercise. Highly recommend. I may return to it in 6 months to ensure the knowledge sticks! Here’s the link if you’re interested:

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/14/2018 1:01 PM
    As  our winter season wanes here in the southern interior of Canada’s Pacific Northwest, I anticipate the special sound.   In 2013, that sound began in late February.   Usually it begins in early March. This year, however, it did not begin, for me, until this morning. On my walk with my dog, Jake, at last, we heard the sound of water streaming down our steeply sloped mountain to the valley.  The Spring melt has begun at last!   We have between 120% and 140% of normal snowpack accumulation in our high mountains this year.  And so, while I’m happy to see spring, these years, these recent years, my joy  is shot through with apprehension.  Flooding and mudslides are more common now.  I resolve to try harder to minimize my carbon footprint, eat, waste, and consume less, grow and give more. I am making small bargain with the gods weather, If I do these things, will you spare us extreme flooding…will you keep our ferry afloat as the river rises...?  We will see if the gods of weather accept my offering!  (Photo: Taken of our village waterfall in the forest by my brother-in-law, August, 2015).

    Transport Use Muscle Power
    How do your transportation choices affect your engagement in your community? Does your experience differ while walking, riding transit, biking or driving?

    Casey Williams's avatar
    Casey Williams 4/09/2018 5:33 PM
    It was invigorating walking my kids to school in the snow this morning. A great way to wake my body and senses before sitting down to work. 

  • Anne Mowat's avatar
    Anne Mowat 4/07/2018 10:21 AM
    I have been thinking about meat consumption. While I am still cutting back,  I wonder if meat raising can be done sustainably, and actually help advance the goals of lower carbon.  For example, our chicks eat food waste and provide rich compost.  They are a natural no-till soil conditioner.   They give us eggs, and, eventually, meat.  But up to that moment, they well.  I’d welcome thoughts from the Drawdown Team on this, as I am still learning...

    • Anne Mowat's avatar
      Anne Mowat 4/07/2018 12:07 PM
      Thank you, Sharmel Roussel! 

    • Scharmel Roussel's avatar
      Scharmel Roussel 4/07/2018 11:58 AM
      I applaud your efforts toward responsible sustainability.

    • Chris Kane's avatar
      Chris Kane 4/07/2018 10:31 AM
      Hi Ann - I'm no expert in this field for sure, but just thinking about this to me is a big deal.  Not a lot of people even give it any thought at all.  From what I've read and heard there are differing viewpoints on the subject of whether man is meant to be a carnivore or an herbivore.  Now,  I'm a pescatarian, but from what I know now I think if I were to go back to eating meat I would treat it kind of like what Temple Grandin says, or what a lot of native americans believe, in that I would thank them for their sacrifice to feed me and know that when they lived they were treated well.  I would also use meat as an accompaniment to my meal - not the main part of it.  I don't believe we were meant to eat the huge amounts of meat we now believe we're entitled to.  It's a really complex issue, but, like I said in the beginning - just thinking about this to me is a big deal and I wish you the best of luck.  I'd be happy to talk out anything you'd like.

    • Anne Mowat's avatar
      Anne Mowat 4/07/2018 11:00 AM
      Thanks, Chris!  I am going to look into it as a part of permaculture living.   I do believe that the challenges and trade-offs are a bit different for rural residents than they are for city people. Stay tuned! 
    Electricity Generation Support Companies Leading in Green Energy
    Every dollar you put into solar or wind is a dollar not put into traditional financial institutions. You'll also be bolstering the fossil fuel divestment movement, too. What are some companies you know of that invest in green energy, and how can you support them?

    Jeff Gilliland's avatar
    Jeff Gilliland 4/06/2018 3:52 PM
    By building a socially responsible investment portfolio, you can ensure that your money is supporting the companies and causes you care about -- and then their success becomes your success!