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Project Drawdown Community Team's avatar
April 4 - April 25, 2018

Project Drawdown Community Team

Project Drawdown


  • 0 TODAY
  • 4,332

team impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    locally sourced meals
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
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    public officials or leaders
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 25 at 11:51 AM
    The 2017 EcoChallenge has both inspired and motivated me to try a little harder to reduce my carbon footprint.  New behaviours (eating less meat, studying drawdown research and solutions) are becoming new habits.  It is wonderful to view the team feeds and to know we are collectively having an impact. 
  • April 24 at 8:27 AM
    This EcoChallenge has been, for me, both instructive and encouraging. I hope that NWEI and the Project Drawdown organizers continue to build on it and engage our best efforts beyond Earth Month...  It would be excellent to sustain and build on the impact of individuals, even as we recognize the need for systemic, cradle-to-cradle policies that...
  • April 21 at 10:18 AM
    The violent volatility of our weather—so easy to forget on a sunny morning in Spring— struck me hard this morning as I was out with my dog.  In a matter of seconds, I watched the storm approach from the far side of the river. I barely made it back up our driveway and into the house, and then: crazy intense wind, hail, ice pellets, mixed with...
  • April 18 at 12:12 PM
    Meat consumption in Western/North American culture seems to me a product of two related notions: humanity's "God-given right" to rule the Earth, and capitalist-driven material wealth. Following the former idea led, perhaps inevitably, to the latter -- and the latter spurred a race to the heights of production and consumption that...
  • April 17 at 7:56 AM
    Many of the actions offered through Drawdown are habits of living for us.  For example, I burn next to no gas on my commute upstairs to my home office. (smiling)  I am fortunate to be semi-retired and working part-time with a trusted longtime colleague.  Based in a faraway city, my colleague handles client-facing meetings, and engages me to...
  • April 15 at 10:34 AM
    Last night, my life-partner and I had an extensive discussion around the Drawdown quiz in the NYT, originallly published in June 2017.  Although we are committed permaculturists, we still learned a lot from this exercise. Highly recommend. I may return to it in 6 months to ensure the knowledge sticks! Here’s the link if you’re interested:...
  • April 14 at 1:01 PM
    As  our winter season wanes here in the southern interior of Canada’s Pacific Northwest, I anticipate the special sound.   In 2013, that sound began in late February.   Usually it begins in early March. This year, however, it did not begin, for me, until this morning. On my walk with my dog, Jake, at last, we heard the sound of water streaming...
  • April 9 at 5:33 PM
    It was invigorating walking my kids to school in the snow this morning. A great way to wake my body and senses before sitting down to work. 
  • April 7 at 10:21 AM
    I have been thinking about meat consumption. While I am still cutting back,  I wonder if meat raising can be done sustainably, and actually help advance the goals of lower carbon.  For example, our chicks eat food waste and provide rich compost.  They are a natural no-till soil conditioner.   They give us eggs, and, eventually, meat.  But up to...
  • April 6 at 3:52 PM
    By building a socially responsible investment portfolio, you can ensure that your money is supporting the companies and causes you care about -- and then their success becomes your success!

28 Team Members

Recently active team members


CHALLENGER: EcoChallenge Community Team Challenger Team Members: 540 Challenger Points: 55203 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Project Drawdown Community Team Challenged Team Members: 28 Challenged Points: 4332 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: Team Houston GBRC Challenger Team Members: 49 Challenger Points: 12344 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Project Drawdown Community Team Challenged Team Members: 28 Challenged Points: 4332 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: Taisugar Circular Economy Challenger Team Members: 212 Challenger Points: 99515 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Project Drawdown Community Team Challenged Team Members: 28 Challenged Points: 4332 Winning?: