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The Circle School Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Linda Tran's avatar
    Linda Tran 4/25/2018 9:25 PM
    Tis sad. This is the last day of this ecochallenge. Having create the routine where this is one of the first things i attend to in the morning to reflect on /create new habits and challenge myself to dive in deeper have been rewarding. Also adding to a team effort in points / community efforts/ and friendly competition has made this fun.

  • The Circle School Possums's avatar
    The Circle School Possums 4/25/2018 9:02 PM
    This is it- my last post. I am committed to contacting my elected officials on the regular. Committed to eating smarter as far as waste goes. No more disposable straws! When I go shopping, I now have a list of foods I will seek out and coffee producers- we drink a lot of coffee- that operates in line with a sustainable future. I look forward to doing this again next year and THANK YOU CIRCLE SCHOOL for the inspiration and support.  We rock!
    Materials Share Bioplastic Disposal Tips
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Linda Tran's avatar
    Linda Tran 4/25/2018 7:55 PM
    It's HARD that people aren't accountable for their actions; we create a bounty of excuses as to why things aren't going the way they should. It starts off small to OWN up to what you do and what you have done. We need to stop making excuses for the conveniences in our life and start making radical personal changes that reverberates throughout our communities. Make it known. 
    Materials Launch a Recycling Program
    How can you take your commitment to sustainable living beyond yourself? How can you, personally, work toward broader change?

    Mickey Barcus's avatar
    Mickey Barcus 4/25/2018 7:32 PM
    Both at home and now at school, we are trying to minimize materials that head to a landfill or even the recycling center.  I have set up containers in the art room at school (and in my studio at home) to collect paper scraps (that can be turned into pulp for new projects) and “interesting” trash items that are able to be cleaned and used in mixed media pieces.  
    In addition to lowering the environmental impact of their disposal and the creation of something new, this practice has changed the way I see materials and approach works and some of the students are already expressing the same sentiments. 
    Land Use Learn about Local Indigenous Practices
    What did you learn about indigenous peoples' land management that you can apply in your own life?

    Linda Tran's avatar
    Linda Tran 4/25/2018 7:01 PM
    The 7th Generation. Think long-term about the results of one's actions and see if it will be sustainable for 7 generations.
    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    The Circle School Possums's avatar
    The Circle School Possums 4/25/2018 4:56 PM
    I am going to cheat on answering what my sustainable community looks like: Today, driving home from work, I saw TWO people throw bags of trash out of their window onto the highway. HOW are we to have sustainable communities when we cannot even get people to throw trash in a trash can? We need education and peer pressure from an early age promoting sustainable practices and giving people facts about the damage we are doing to our living spaces.  We need a complete shift in our view of the environment as Americans before any sort of sustainable community can become a reality. Adults make me lose hope; Kids give me back that hope.
    Transport Improve a Bus Stop
    How can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?

    Art Teacher's avatar
    Art Teacher 4/25/2018 3:25 PM
    In art  class we made finger knit garlands and small pictures to hang from them to hang at a bus stop.  Hopefully they will bring additional cheer to commuters’ day.

  • April Duvall's avatar
    April Duvall 4/25/2018 1:09 PM
    I learned a lot about how much waste we are generating in our home by tracking food waste and plastics. 
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than other countries, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Michael Aguirre's avatar
    Michael Aguirre 4/25/2018 12:54 PM
    A economic mindset that values profit over people and planet.  We need better education and access to affordable, local produce at all income levels. 

  • Cesar Silva's avatar
    Cesar Silva 4/25/2018 12:04 PM
    Almost complete!