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Green Dinosaur Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Buildings and Cities Research Retrofitting Incentives
    How can you share what you have learned in your research with others?

    Jason J Lorcher's avatar
    Jason J Lorcher 4/25/2018 5:54 PM
    Retrofitting is always a good way to begin!  I say Just Turn It OFF!
    Buildings and Cities Explore Other Buildings and Cities Solutions
    What did you find out? What is the most interesting fact you learned?

    Jason J Lorcher's avatar
    Jason J Lorcher 4/25/2018 5:52 PM
    Reducing and Reusing and not always building new motivates me!
    Buildings and Cities Research Heat Pumps
    Why do you care about taking action on climate change?

    Jason J Lorcher's avatar
    Jason J Lorcher 4/25/2018 5:40 PM
    Conditioning buildings with Heat Pumps that are ground source can significantly reduce carbon emissions.
    Food Support Local Food Systems
    Dependable fresh food, supporting local farmers and building resilient communities are just a few benefits of local food systems. Which of these advantages inspire you the most?

    Chih Jen  Cheng's avatar
    Chih Jen Cheng 4/25/2018 4:57 PM
    Supporting local farmers is my priority. Keeping more farms rather than a centralized one can avoid monopoly. In addition, it also encourages local farmers to produce high quality food rather than pursue big quantity just for sales.
    Food composting
    Producing uneaten food squanders many resources—seeds, water, energy, land, fertilizer, hours of labor, financial capital. Which of these motivates you the most to change your behavior regarding food waste?

    Chih Jen  Cheng's avatar
    Chih Jen Cheng 4/25/2018 4:55 PM
    I would say water since California is really in need of water. Every water resource should be used on point.
    Buildings and Cities Replace Manual Thermostats
    How do you anticipate replacing your thermostats for smart ones will positively impact your life?

    Chih Jen  Cheng's avatar
    Chih Jen Cheng 4/25/2018 4:53 PM
    It can enhance occupant comfort and save electricity consumption. It is also helpful when the heater can be triggered automatically by the t-stat, so the functioning of the heater will be easier

  • Justine Mouron's avatar
    Justine Mouron 4/25/2018 4:50 PM
    I took the plane once in 2018, from LA to NYC, and purchase carbon offsets for this trip. I will continue for each of my flights!
    Land Use Local Perennial Biomass
    Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe states that "The reason we care about climate change is because it affects the people and places that we care about." What is happening (or will happen) in your area that will affect the people and places you care about?

    Emily  Greenstreet's avatar
    Emily Greenstreet 4/25/2018 3:51 PM
    Once of my favorite places to visit is the beach which is why I live on the Westside of Los Angeles. Our continued use of plastic significantly harms our oceans. I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life and have seen the drastic increase of plastics in our ocean. It's not a pleasant experience having a plastic bag latch onto your arm while swimming and it also saddens me to think of the different organisms that have been affected due to this pollution.  
    Land Use Learn about Temperate Forests
    As you learn more about the scope and seriousness of the environmental challenges we face, what impact does that have on your thinking and actions? What are the parts that feel overwhelming? What parts help you feel hopeful?

    Emily  Greenstreet's avatar
    Emily Greenstreet 4/25/2018 3:46 PM
    Since the Drawdown EcoChallenge I've been more conscious of the daily decisions and choice I make that contribute to larger issues such as deforestation. 

  • Justine Mouron's avatar
    Justine Mouron 4/25/2018 3:27 PM
    For Challenge #62 Women Smallholders I stopped buying fast fashion, decluttered my dressing, and only purchased good that I need from local or women/minority owned shops. I feel that it increases the affection I have for a product and is longer lasting and better quality compared to fast fashion.