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April 4 - April 25, 2018

NJDEP EcoLogicals

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection - SAGE

Sustainability Action Group for the Environment (SAGE): A sustainable NJDEP conserves material and resources, is energy efficient and promotes environmentally preferable practices in its operations and procurement in a socially and economically responsible manner.


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    meatless or vegan meals
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    gallons of water
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Recent updates from this team
  • April 25 at 5:55 PM
    Great Job everyone.  I find this challenge very inspiring and hope you do too.  Now we can continue with these sustainable habits every day. 
  • April 25 at 9:38 AM
    I have more food items that I will donate to the CWA Union food drive at my office.
  • April 25 at 8:26 AM
    I learned a lot about ways to turn food production from a source of GHG to a sink, where carbon can be captured, and in the process, things like water availability and yields can increase, as well as food security.  One of the most interesting facts that I learned is that if we "add to livestock all other food-related emissions - from...
  • April 25 at 8:19 AM
    I had heard of the term "silvopasture" before, but did not know anything about it. I think the biggest advantage of it is that it is a win-win for the farmers doing it - for so many reasons.  It can reduce greenhouse emissions, provide diversity of products for the farmer (cattle plus a variety of crops) - plus the yield may be...
  • April 25 at 8:12 AM
    Currently I am working on making my 2 acres as regenerative as I can.  We've planted fruit and nut trees, berries, kiwis, perennial herbs and other things so we can have a seasonal source of good fresh food. We purchased a greenhouse which expands the growing season for us, and have several raised beds which help us because our soil is full of...
  • April 25 at 7:51 AM
    The beauty of this planet and the spectacular species that live here motivate me to do something to protect them.   My heart goes out to the people that care about these issues and try so hard to make a positive difference, to the other species that are confronted with the impacts of climate change and other human impacts, and to the beautiful...
  • April 25 at 7:46 AM
    This has been a great eco challenge and I've learned a lot.  I've purchased the book Drawdown and am reading it and will continue to try to make a positive difference.  I will educate whenever I can others about climate change and things that we can do to make a difference.
  • April 25 at 7:44 AM
    So many activities impact the health of water systems.  Pollution of all type - that from manufacturing processes, even "permitted" discharges; throwing trash onto the street that gets washed into the waterways in a rain storm; dumping unwantded chemicals down the drain; all the excessive use of pharmaceuticals that may not be cleaned...
  • April 25 at 7:36 AM
    There are so many ways that I and others are impacting deforestation.  So many of our products include ingredients that come from rainforest areas, and with increases in demand, including increasing population, rainforests are cut down, such as for palm oil in Borneo. Palm oil is included in so many processed foods.  The same goes for meat...
  • April 25 at 7:29 AM
    There could be some seriously good health benefits, including losing weight, feeling more energetic, and for those that have certain health issues, perhaps those issues will go away if they lose weight and exercise.  Using smaller plates helps one take less food and feel good about it.  The large plates seem to encourage us to fill them. 

5 Team Members

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CHALLENGER: NJDEP EcoLogicals Challenger Team Members: 5 Challenger Points: 2879 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Pachamama Alliance Delaware River Valley Community Challenged Team Members: 22 Challenged Points: 7558 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: NJDEP EcoLogicals Challenger Team Members: 5 Challenger Points: 2879 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Green Friends and Family of EMM! Challenged Team Members: 21 Challenged Points: 2387 Winning?: